Swim & Fun

Flocking Sticks 8 x 125 g

Flocking Sticks makes unclear pool water crystal clear again in the pools with sand filter systems.


The efficiency of a sand filter is significantly optimised by the use of Flocking Sticks in the system's skimmer. The product is developed for use in all pools with a sand filter, and can be used in combination with chlorine, bromine or active oxygen. The flocking agent enables your sand filter to trap the very small airborne particles, which otherwise pass through the sand filter, thereby resulting in cloudy pool water.

Flocking Sticks also trap iron and other mineral particles in the water that can cause discolouration. A normal backwash can easily remove trapped particles from the sand filter. The result is crystal clear water.

Application: Can only be used with a sand filter. Before use, the pH value must be adjusted. We also recommend backwashing the filter and giving the water a shock treatment before use. Place a roller in the skimmer or in the pump’s flow filter It will now automatically dose the flocking agent over the coming days while the system is running. Add a new package when the first one is empty. Backwash the filter with increased frequency until the water is clear.

Troubleshooting: Matt, milky and cloudy water may also be due to an excessively high pH level in the water, causing lime particles to be expelled into the water. Adjust the pH value of the water to between 7.0 and 7.4. Make sure that the filter works properly and that the sand in the filter is not dirty and lumpy. The sand should be replaced at least every 5 years.
Healthy pool water has a pH value of between 7.0 and 7.4. To get the best use out of our water care products, make sure you maintain a healthy water balance. If the pH value of the pool water is not within this range, adjust it, using pH-Plus and pH-Minus, respectively.

Cloudy water can also be due to a lack of disinfectant in the water. This enables microorganisms to live. Adjust the pH level and perform shock treatment.
Make sure chemicals do not get damp during storage. Store in original packaging, locked and out of the reach of children in a dry frost-free place away from direct sunlight.